Posted on March 1, 2022 by Shari Derksen, MA
In our patriarchal, achievement-oriented society, there is an imbalance of masculine energy – a focus on doing, rather than being. We are overly concerned with how productive we are, our achievements, and our careers. My Asian neighbour expressed his dislike...
Posted on January 14, 2021 by Shari Derksen, MA
Job 2:11-13; John 11:32-36
The foundation of healthy intimacy is true interdependence, which requires a solid sense of self. That is, an awareness and allowance of our own experience so that we can share it with another, and also be open...
Posted on January 14, 2020 by Shari Derksen, MA
In our society we are bombarded with sexual images and sexual messages. It would appear that we are a sexually liberated society. But how relevant are those images and messages to our own personal sexuality? Are they a true reflection...
Posted on September 5, 2019 by Shari Derksen, MA
Many of us have the core belief that we are alone in this universe. As I’ve witnessed with many clients, that core belief has a negative impact on how we address our needs, take care of ourselves, set boundaries, and...
Posted on January 10, 2019 by Shari Derksen, MA
We are just coming out of a season of darkness, moving out of the winter solstice and anticipating the coming spring. In our dualistic culture we associate darkness with depression, evil, and something to be avoided, an opposition to the...
Posted on August 23, 2018 by Shari Derksen, MA
Too many of us believe that any of our time that is not “productive” is a waste of time, and/or feel guilty when not “productive”. It’s an attitude of scarcity in resources, and that squandering our resources will lead to...
Posted on April 12, 2018 by Shari Derksen, MA
Wonder is an essential experience of life. It is often associated with the innocence of childhood or the early stages of first love. It is, however, an ageless quality of individuals that is a nourishing self-containment of love and aliveness...
Posted on February 1, 2018 by Shari Derksen, MA
We all want to have harmonious relationships and to feel that we belong somewhere. But sometimes ourselves and others get in the way of that. Some of us aggressively force others to bend to what we want, and others of...
Posted on September 7, 2017 by Shari Derksen, MA
Job 2:11-13; John 11:32-36
Another way that we block intimacy is by judging and blaming others. Rather than looking at ourselves and taking responsibility for creating what we want or don’t want, we focus on others and how they need to...